As of February 2025, Achillea Peer Tutoring Inc. is not currently operating. We have paused existing operations and are not affiliated with any programming associated with our name. If you have further questions, please reach out to achillea.peertutoring@gmail.com.
We are open to all high school students who are in good academic standing, enjoy working with kids, can commit at least five months, and are enthusiastic about making a difference!
Why Should I Tutor?
Flexible hours that work with your schedule.
Gain community service credit and volunteering experience.
Give back to your community, help those in need, and make a friend!
Opening an Achillea chapter
1) View the requirements for opening a chapter at your high schools.
3) Look through our chapter resources
in detail, and get started on our checklist.
2) If you are interested in opening a chapter, fill out this onboarding form.
4) Schedule a Calendly interview with the Chapters Director at Achillea.
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